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Ministries That We Support

These are some of the ministries our church regularly supports or has supported. Take a look at them, and feel free to reach out to us to direct a donation to any of the below ministries.

Gentle Shepherd Ministries


Mankato, MN

GSM is a organization dedicated to ministering to those in senior care and correctional care, two groups that are often forgotten in life and ministry. They are under the parent organization of InFaith. For More Info, click here.

Trout Lake Camps

Pine River, MN

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Trout Lake Camps is the official youth church camp of Converge. Located on a large campus, this camp strives to reach kids of all ages for the Kingdom of the Lord. For More Info, click here.

We, as a church, offer sponsorships to go to camp. If you are a family that is interested in attending camp, reach out!!

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Nampa, ID


MAF is an international organization with the vision of seeing isolated people changed by the love of Christ, with the mission of serving together through aviation. For More Info, click here.

Mashiah Foundation



Mashiah Foundation is a Christian, non-governmental organization created in 1999. They strive to respond to the HIV/AID pandemic in Nigeria in a faith-based way. For more Info, click here.

East-West Ministries

Plano, TX

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East-West is an international organization whose main goal is to equip and train believers with their individual gifts for the mission field all over the world. For More Info, click here.

The specific missionary we support within East-West is Dr. Monnie & Joan Brewer, who train pastors within the worldwide persecuted Church. The Brewer's also work with Voice of the Martyrs.


Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) strives to provide support and awareness for persecuted Christians around the world. They are one of the leading voices for our persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Christ. For More Info, click here.

Genesis Classical Academy

Winnebago, MN


Genesis Classical Academy (GCA) is a private, non-denominational Christian school. They started in 2016, and have grown to an average student size of just over 100 students. For More Info, click here.

Bravo-Zulu House

Winnebago, MN


The Bravo-Zulu House is an all-military sober home in Southern Minnesota specifically for veterans who are struggling with PTSD and substance abuse. They are partnered with the VFW, American Legion, and Disable American Veterans of MN (DAV).

For more info, click here.

Youth For Christ-
The Refuge

Blue Earth, MN

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Youth For Christ is a Christian movement that pursues young people, who often feel overlooked, and to build relationships at major moments in their lives. YFC partners with local churches and like-minded organizations to reach young people. The Refuge is our local chapter of YFC, located in an old church in Blue Earth, led by Rod Yates.

For more info on The Refuge, click here.

For More info on the parent YFC, click here.

Gideons International

Nashville, TN


The Gideons is an international organization who strives to get the Word of God into ever person's hands, in their own language. For More Info, click here.

Cory & Brooke Jackson

Converge Worldwide


Cory & Brooke Jackson are serving with Converge Worldwide in Thailand. We support them through our parent denomination, Converge. For more info, click here.

To find out more on Converge Worldwide, click here.

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