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Pastor Bart Whitman

Take a look at the people who make our church go. These people are willing to take on many responsibilities and go above and beyond. Please keep them in prayer!

An asterisk* denotes a current Elder Board member.

Pastor Bart is originally from the East Chain, MN, area and is a graduate of the University of Northwestern-St Paul, and is ordained through the Baptist General Conference, which is now Converge. He spent time as a youth pastor in the Twin Cities and in Fairmont/East Chain, and has been in multiple leadership roles, both political and religious, as well as helping head up District Blitz, a yearly youth conference. He has been serving as our head pastor since 2016, and has become an fixture in our community and has helped guide our Board into bringing to reality our Board's visions, including introducing us to Converge. He is married to Charmaine, and they have two children: Keely and Arabella. Charmaine works in graphic design and can be seen regularly in our worship teams. Pastor Bart also is very involved in our music department, both as an instrumentalist and as a co-worship leader with Aleythia. He has a huge passion for quality music and worship and has worked hard to guide our music department. His favorite part about church is getting to serve alongside a great church family. Outside of church, he loves to spend time with his family. He also loves sports, traveling, science fiction, and cooking.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Galatians 6:9-10 ESV

Ministry Heads & Other Staff

Jeff Boesch*
  -Chairman of the Board

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Aleythia Slaughter
  -Administrative Assistant
  -Co-Worship Leader

Jeff lives in Amboy, MN, with his wife Deb. They have four daughters and 8 grandkids; He is also one of our founding families, being involved in the leadership for 12 years. They both enjoy E-biking, pickleball, and traveling locally with friends and to see family. Jeff is a talented hobby carpenter and enjoys yard work & gardening, Deb is an active part of our worship team, and Jeff can be seen doing announcements at the beginning of our worship service. He is graciously serving as our Elder Board Chairman, a seat he has held for many years, and has guided our vision as a church.

Elizabeth Olson

Elizabeth is originally from Amboy, but lived in California for 20 years. Now that she's back, she works as a professor at Bethany Lutheran College. Throughout the week, she spends much of her time in the classroom, meeting with students, and doing research. When she's not working she enjoys travelling. Elizabeth became the treasurer for our church this past October. She enjoys this new role because of the service and fellowship it provides. At church, she appreciates the music and the fellowship time before and after the service. You can usually find Elizabeth at the front of the sanctuary after church talking and laughing with several of the other women. 

Aleythia grew up in Fairmont, MN, and in fact, used to be a youth group student of Bart's! She now lives and works in Winnebago, MN, with her husband, Luke, and they have 1 daughter. She used to teach Latin & Spanish at Genesis Classical Academy in Winnebago, and teaches piano and violin. Outside of church, she enjoys reading, riding horses, and going out for Caribou Coffee with a friend. She has been involved in our music for over a year, and has just stepped up to be our first administrative assistant/office administrator.

Luke Slaughter*
  -Technology Director

Luke grew up in Estherville, IA, and lives and works in Winnebago, MN with his wife, Aleythia, and their newborn daughter. He has spent time working audio & tech in theatre productions, churches, and schools, including Genesis Classical Academy, and is an avid firearms instructor and consultant. He currently works as a diesel mechanic and truck driver. He enjoys music, gaming, and riding motorcycle in his free time. He currently also serves on our Elder Board, and as our church's Technology Director and is usually found behind the sound board in the tech booth. 

Mary Doyen
  -Hospitality Director


Mary lives in Good Thunder, MN, with her husband, Tom. They are both a friendly face you will see as soon as you enter our worship center. Tom has diligently been our go-to greeter and Mary heads up our Hospitality Team. She has been on our Elder Board in the past, and they are another one of our founding families. For the Hospitality-Fellowship Committee, Mary likes that food brings everyone together: creating a community in the church that cares for one another. Mary also enjoys serving food for our IMPACT Ministries. Mary and Tom have been married for 48 years, and have two daughters and 8 grandchildren and they try to do as many activities as they can with them. Mary enjoys doing crossword puzzles, cryptographs, and sudoku in her free time.

Gregg Olson*
  -Missions Director
  -Facilities Director

Gregg lives outside Amboy, MN, with his wife Gwen. After 49 years, Gregg retired from farming and is able to spend a lot of his time volunteering and doing mission work all over the world. Gregg heads up our Missions and Facilities Teams. Gwen helps lead our worship service in prayer during the service. Gregg is currently a member of our Elder Board, a position he has held for 8 years and counting, as he and his wife is one of our founding families. He has enjoyed being part of the decision-making process in developing goals and facilitating them. Gregg loves interacting with his Christian family and is often one of the first people to greet newcomers. 

Heath Buckholtz
  -Youth Ministry Director

Heath lives in Amboy, MN, with his wife, Steph, and his two remaining at-home kids. They have two more kids at college. Heath has served in many areas within River's Edge, especially leading IMPACT, our youth group, with the help of some wonderful volunteers, and he used to sit on our Elder Board. He’s been a youth leader for over 25 years for three different churches! He enjoys his role because he gets to know the kids better and gets to guide them through their current life challenges. Besides IMPACT, Heath also teaches the adult Sunday school and plays bass on the worship team. He and his wife are also one of our founding families.

Mandy Schleuter*
  -Children's Ministry Co-Director


Mandy is one of our Children's Ministry Directors, and manages the nursery schedule, helps plan the community events for the kids, teaches during IMPACT kids, and fills in elsewhere when needed. She has filled this role for about two years and enjoys connecting with the kids and helping them build their faith. She also enjoys building relationships through the adult fellowship, Bible studies, and service in the church. Mandy and her husband live outside of Amboy, and they have two boys, the younger one helps out in the tech booth. As a family, they enjoy traveling to Northern Minnesota, spending the majority of their time on the lake, hiking nearby trails, or playing mini golf. Mandy thoroughly enjoys Kayaking, and photographing God's beautiful creation. She also was newly elected to our Elder Board in January and is looking forward to serving in that capacity as well.

Becky Krause
  -Discipleship Ministry Director

Becky lives outside of Winnebago, MN, with her husband, Steve. Both Becky & Steve have a huge heart for the Lord. Becky is the head of our Discipleship Ministry and has joyfully served in this role for 2-3 years. She enjoys knowing that people have opportunities to learn about our Lord. Becky also keeps herself busy by serving God at Genesis Classical Academy, visiting her 3 children and 6 grandchildren, quilting, traveling, and reading. She also loves the springtime "-when the earth is renewed- like our hearts when we accept Christ's gift of love and forgiveness." 

LaLainya Rennpferd
  -Children's Ministry Co-Director


LaLainya lives outside of Amboy, MN, with her husband Dave, and they are one of our founding families. They have 3 daughters and she runs a daycare. She has a huge heart for kids and works hard to head up our Kid's Programs. She has been serving with kids for over 20 yrs. She loves sharing God's endless love with the students and helping them grow in their Faith.

Dave Kirchner*
  -Board Member


David Kirchner can be seen regularly passionately playing bass for one of the worship teams. He also helps with the Youth at IMPACT as well as in the tech booth when needed. He's been doing these three things for 2 years. Dave loves playing music and seeing the congregation enjoy worship. He also likes being a good adult role model for the youth at IMPACT. Dave has also been newly elected to our Elder Board in January. Dave's favorite part about church is that it is a true family. Outside of church, he enjoys spending time with his own family, just relaxing together. He is married to Shelby, who can be seen singing on Sunday mornings as well, and they have two kids: a son and a daughter. Their son used to help in the tech booth before he went off to college. Their daughter currently helps in the tech booth as well as leads the worship during IMPACT on Wednesday nights! If you couldn't tell from Dave's shirts, his favorite movies are Star Wars, and he loves traveling with his family to Disney Parks!

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